Setting up Development Environment

This information is outdated and can not be applied to recent versions. See our wiki for recent document

Sphinx4 is an open source speech recognition engine, which involves a wide variety of researchers and developers.

Here is an introduction to how to set up the environment if someone would like to contribute to the project. You can find guild lines for other platform at sphinx4 wiki. Now, I focus only on Ubuntu with Eclipse.

Ubuntu & Eclipse

This procedure has been tested on Ubuntu 12.04, but should also work for newer and older releases.

Required Software

  • JDK (Sphinx-4 is written in Java and therefore requires the JVM to run. However, usually JDK is already installed in Ubuntu)
  • Eclipse (IDE (Integrated Development Environment))
  • Ant (to build to source code)
  • Subversion (svn, source code control)
  • Subclipse (svn for eclipse)
  • sharutils (to unpack jsapi)

Step by Step

Install Basic required software
$ sudo apt-get install eclipse subversion ant sharutils
Install Subclipse

  • Open Eclipse
  • "Help" -> "Install New Software"
  • Click "Add"
  • "Name" = "SVN", and Location is "", Click "OK"
  • Check "SVNKit" and Open the submenu of  "Subclipse" in the Name field, and check "Subclipse (Required)", Click "Next"
  • Click "Next"
  • Check "I accept ...", Click "Finish"
  • Click "OK", "Restart Now"

Obtaining the Code

  • Open Eclipse
  • Click "File" → "New" → "Project" → "SVN", choose "Checkout Project from SVN"
  • Create a new repository location, click "Next"
  • URL = "" (replace to your own source code directory)
  • Choose the code folder you want to check out, such as "branches/sphinx4_slm"
  • Finish

Building Sphinx-4

Setup JSAPI 1.0, see sphinx4_wiki

  • Go to the lib directory.
  • Type$ chmod +x ./
  • Type$ sh ./ View the BCL. Accept it by typing "y"

Now, you can build sphinx4 in Eclipse as follows

  • "Run" → "External Tools" → "sphinx4 build.xml"

If you want to run demo project, follow the steps below:

  • Project → Properties → Jave Build Path → Source
  • open "sphinx4/src/apps" in tab "source folder on build path"
  • Double click "Included: All"
  • Click "Add Multiple"
  • select "edu", click "OK"
  • click "Finish" in the window "Inclusion and Exclusion Patterns"
  • "OK"

Now, you can open the file "src/apps/edu/cmu/sphinx/demo/"

  • click "Run" → "Run"

Commit your codes

  • Right Click the file or folder that you want to commit → "Team" → "Commit"