Hyperstring and Language Model FSA

(author: Alexandru Tomescu)


As part of the PostProcessing Framework task of capitalization and punctuation recovery I am using Finite State Automata (FSA) to model hyperstrings ( all written forms of a text) and Language Models. These will be composed and a best-path search in the resulting FSA will output the best version (capitalized and punctuated) of a string.

Hyperstring FSA

The hyperstring FSA is composed from a string (i.e. "This is exciting") and considers all the possible written forms of the string.

S0 --- (This, this, THIS) ---> T0 --- (, , ) ---> S1 --- (Is, is, IS) ---> T1 --- (, , ) ---> S2 --- (Exciting, exciting, EXCITING) ---> T2 --- (, , ) ---> S3

Language Model FSA
The language model FSA encodes a language model into a FSA structure. Two states are default for every LM FSA: start and eps states. Transitions from a

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="612" caption="Hyperstring FST"][/caption]

S0 is the start state and S3 is the final state. Transitions between Si and Ti contain words and transitions between Ti and Ti+1 contain punctuation marks.

In the project this is represented by the FSA object which is constructed with the String we want to model and a boolean value which states if we also want punctuation added between transitions. If not the FSA will look like this:

S0 --- (This, this, THIS) ---> S1 --- (Is, is, IS) ---> S2 --- (Exciting, exciting, EXCITING) ---> S3

Language Model FSA

The language model FSA encodes a language model into a FSA structure. Two states are default for every LM FSA: start and eps states. Transitions from a state to another contain a word and the probability of the destination state ngram. Transitions from a state to the eps state contain the backoff probability of that ngram.

When initialized, the LanguageModelFSA object takes as parameters URL objects which contain the location of the language model, a dictionary and a filler dictionary. In this class I have used the sphinx4 library to read the language model. When created, the object outputs three files: a file which contains the fsa (lm_fsa), the input symbols table (lm_fsa_isyms) which is the same as the output symbols table (in case we want to consider a FST) and the state symbols table (lm_fsa_ssyms). If needed the output can be compiled with openfst and printed.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="684" caption="Language Model FST"][/caption]

To download the code: svn co https://cmusphinx.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/cmusphinx/branches/ppf

Compile with make and run program with scripts/createfsa.sh with the string you want to model into a FSA, the path to the LM, dictionary and filler dictionary as parameters.