A small speech recognizer
This directory contains some examples of basic PocketSphinx library usage in C and Python. To compile the C examples, you can build the target examples
. If you want to see how it works manually, either use the library directly in-place, for example, with simple.c
cmake -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF .. && make cc -o simple simple.c -I../include -Iinclude -L. -lpocketsphinx -lm
Or if PocketSphinx is installed:
cc -o simple simple.c $(pkg-config --static --libs --cflags pocketsphinx)
If PocketSphinx has not been installed, you will need to set the POCKETSPHINX_PATH
environment variable to run the examples:
POCKETSPHINX_PATH=../model ./simple
The Python scripts, assuming you have installed the pocketsphinx
module (see ../README.md "the top-leve README" for instructions), can just be run as-is:
python simple.py spam.wav
The examples simple.c
and simple.py
read an entire audio file (only WAV files are supported) and recognize it as a single, possibly long, utterance.
The example segment.py
uses voice activity detection to segment the input stream into speech-like regions.
Finally, the examples live.c
and live.py
do online segmentation and recognition.