Postprocessing Framework

(author: Alex Tomescu)

The Postprocessing Framework project (part of GSoC 2012) is ready for use.

This project concentrates on capitalization and punctuation recovery tasks, based on capitalized and punctuated language models. The current accuracy for comma prediction is 35% and for period it's 39%. Capitalization is at around 94% (most of the words are lower-cased).

This project had two main parts: the language model and the main algorithm.

The language model

For the post processing task the language model used has to contain capitalized words and punctuation mark word tokens. In the training data, commas are replaced with and periods are replaced with . Also sentences should be grouped into paragraphs so that start and end of sentence markers ( and ) are not very frequent. The language model need to be compressed from ARPA format to DMP format with sphinx_lm_convert (or sphinx3_lm_convert).

The gutenberg.DMP language model is correctly formatted and can be found in the language model download section on the project's sourceforge page (

The Algorithm

The algorithm relies on iterating throught word symbols to create word sequences, which are evaluated and put into stacks. When a stack gets full (a maximum capacity is set) it gets sorted (by sequence probabilities) and the lowest scoring part is discarded. This way bad scoring sequences are discarded, and only the best ones are kept. The final solution is the sequence with the same size as the input, with the best probability.


The project is available for download at:

To compile the project install apache ant and be sure to set the required enviroment variables. Then type the following:


To postprocess text use the script:

sh ./ -input_text path_to_file -lm path_to_lm

Enlarging In-Domain Data Using Crawled News Articles

In the previous post, we used the Gutenberg corpus for selecting sentences that resembled Jane Eyre. We need to see how it applies to real world problems such as constructing a language model for running speech recognition on podcasts.

Enlarging In-domain Data Using Perplexity Differences for Language Model Training

We are using the web to obtain extra language model training data for a topic, but what good is that data if it does not fit to our domain? A paper published by Moore et al.[1] uses an interesting and relatively cheap way of enlarging an in-domain corpus using a general corpus.

Porting openFST to java: Part 4

(author: John Salatas)


This article, the fourth in a series regarding porting openFST to java, describes the latest version of the java fst library, which contains all the required code for porting phonetisaurus g2p decoder [1] to java and eventually integrate it with sphinx4.

1. Basic Usage

Creating as simple wfst like the one in in figure 1 below is a straightforward procedure

[caption id="attachment_339" align="aligncenter" width="497" caption="Figure 1: Example weighted finite-state transducer"]Figure 1: Example weighted finite-state transducer[/caption]

// Create a new Semiring
TropicalSemiring ts = new TropicalSemiring();
// Create the wfst
Fst wfst = new Fst(ts);
// Create input and output symbol tables
// and assign these to the wfst
Mapper isyms = new Mapper();
isyms.put(0, "a");
isyms.put(1, "b");
isyms.put(2, "c");

Mapper osyms = new Mapper();
osyms.put(0, "x");
osyms.put(1, "y");
osyms.put(2, "z");

// Create state 0
State state = new State(;
// Add it to the wfst
// Set it as the start state
// Add arcs to state 0
state.addArc(new Arc(0, 0, 0.5, "1"));
state.addArc(new Arc(1, 1, 1.5, "1"));

// Create state 1
state = new State(;
// Add it to the wfst
// Add arcs to state 1
state.addArc(new Arc(2, 2, 2.5, "2"));

// Create (final) state 2
state = new State(new Weight(3.5));
// Add it to the wfst

Then this wfst can be serialized as binary java fst
try {
} catch (IOException e) {

or exported to openFst text format

Convert.export(wfst, wfst.getSemiring(), "path/to/exported");

Finally it can also be used for several operations as described in the following section.

2. Fst Operations

As already mentioned, priority was given to operations that are required for the porting of phonetisaurus' g2p decoder to java. All operations described are defined in their own class having the same name with the operation under the edu.cmu.sphinx.fst.operations package.

2.1. ArcSort

This operation sorts the arcs in an FST per state. It is defined as follows:
public static void apply(Fst fst, Comparator cmp)

The Comparator cmp can be either ILabelCompare or OlabelCompare which short the arcs according to their input or output labels accordingly.

2.2. Compose

This operation computes the composition of two transducers [2]. It is defined as follows:
public static Fst get(Fst fst1, Fst fst2, Semiring semiring)

2.3. Connect

This operation removes all states that are not contained on a path leading from the initial state to a final state. It is defined as follows:
public static void apply(Fst fst)

2.4. Determinize

This operation determinizes a weighted transducer. The result will be an equivalent FST that has the property that no state has two transitions with the same input label. For this algorithm, epsilon transitions are treated as regular symbols [3]. It is defined as follows:
public static Fst get(Fst fst)

2.5. ExtendFinal

This operations extends a wfst by adding a new final state with weight 0 and adding epsilon transitions from the existing final states to the new one, with weights equal to the existing state's final weight. It is defined as follows:
public static void apply(Fst fst)

Furthermore there is also a procedure to undo this change, which is defined as:
public static void undo(Fst fst)

2.6. NShortestPaths

This operation produces an FST containing the n -shortest paths in the input FST [4], [5]. It is defined as follows:
public static Fst get(Fst fst, int n)

where n is the number of the best paths to return.

2.7. Project

This operation projects an FST onto its domain or range by either copying each arc's input label to its output label or vice versa. It is defined as follows:
public static void apply(Fst fst, ProjectType pType)

where pType is an enumeration talking values either INPUT or OUTPUT which project the input labels to the output or the output to the input accordingly.

2.8. Reverse

This operation reverses an FST. Internally it first extends the input to a single final state and this extension is undone before exiting leaving the input fst unchanged. It is defined as follows:
public static Fst get(Fst fst)

2.9. RmEpsilon

This operation removes epsilon-transitions (when both the input and output label are an epsilon) from a transducer. The result will be an equivalent FST that has no such epsilon transitions [2]. It is defined as follows:
public static Fst get(Fst fst)

3. Performance in g2p decoding

The performance of the fst java library, was evaluated in g2p decoding by porting the phonetisaurus' g2p decoder to java (available at [6]). N-gram fst models were created (for n=6,7,8,9 and 10) and then loaded in the decoder in order to phoneticize 5 different words. The loading time for each model and also the time of various operations taking place during the decoding, were measured and their average are summarized in the table below. The table also shows the memory used by the java VM after loading the model (this refers more or less to the memory needed by the model) and also the maximum amount of memory utilized during the g2p decoding. All tests were performed on an Intel Core Duo CPU running openSuSE 12.1 x64.

[caption id="attachment_570" align="aligncenter" width="371" caption="Table 1: Performance tests of java g2p decoder"]Performance tests of java g2p decoder[/caption]

The graphs below visualize the first four rows of the above table.

[caption id="attachment_571" align="aligncenter" width="528" caption="Figure 2: Performance graphs for the java g2p decoder"]Performance graphs for the java g2p decoder[/caption]

4. Conclusion – Future work

Studying the performance table in the previous section it is clear that the critical procedure in the decoding process is the model loading (deserialization) which usually take more than a minute to complete. Although this is an issue that needs to be fixed, a quick workaround is to load it in advance and keep a copy of it in memory for providing pronunciations for all required words. This of course comes with additional requirements for memory which are more or less equal to the amount shown in 3rd in the previous section's table (row “Memory usage after load”).

Next step is of course to evaluate the g2p decoder's ability to provide correct pronunciations for words and compare it with the original pronunciations produced by phonetisaurus. Having a same quality java g2p decoder will first of confirm the correctness of the java fst library code and enable us to continue with its integration with CMUSphinx 4.

[1] "Phonetisaurus: A WFST-driven Phoneticizer – Framework Review".
[2] M. Mohri, "Weighted automata algorithms", Handbook of Weighted Automata. Springer, pp. 213-250, 2009.
[3] M. Mohri, "Finite-State Transducers in Language and Speech Processing", Computational Linguistics, 23:2, 1997.
[4] M. Mohri, "Semiring Framework and Algorithms for Shortest-Distance Problems", Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics, 7(3), pp. 321-350, 2002.
[5] M. Mohri, M. Riley, "An Efficient Algorithm for the n-best-strings problem", Proceedings of the International Conference on Spoken Language Processing 2002 (ICSLP '02).
[6] G2P java decoder SVN repository