Over the years CMUSphinx become more and more popular. You probably would be interested to know that all last three month CMUSphinx gets into 25 most active projects on SourceForge. And that's not suprising.
A set of new interesting projects are started nowdays using CMUSphinx, to mention a few for example there is Vedics, a desktop control system or OpenCast project, an e-learning platorm. Others are listed in our wiki.
But we certainly need more. If you've done your term project with CMUSphinx, don't stop on that. Develop a new featured application!
Brian King wrote a blog post on getting pocket sphinx up and running on iPhone a while back and got a few emails last week asking for help. He was so amazing so he cleaned up the code and made a little library for it:
This should give you a library that statically links the sphinix libraries and a simple API that connects to Audio Queue. It also comes with a test program so you should be able to have a demo up and working very quickly inside of XCode.
The plans are to add to the API to support dynamic language model creation, but the main goal is to get people up and running as soon as possible. He would appreciate any feedback!
Interesting enough, revision number 10000 was committed today to the SVN repository. Well, we are looking forward to see the revision number 100k, delivering you the best ASR experience.
A number of minor issues have been found in the PocketSphinx 0.6 release. We will be preparing a 0.6.1 release to address these, but if you are affected by them, you can track the stable branch of the source code at http://cmusphinx.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/cmusphinx/branches/pocketsphinx-0.6 .
For Ubuntu users, source packages and binary packages for Lucid Lynx (10.04 beta) which track the bug-fixes can be found at https://launchpad.net/~dhuggins/+archive/cmusphinx - or simply add ppa:dhuggins/cmusphinx to your list of software sources.