MFC files

CMUSphinx stores features in binary files with the extension .mfc. The format of the file is explained below. You can explore the contents of the MFC files with the sphinx_cepview tool available in sphinxbase.

$ sphinx_cepview -f goforward.mfc 
Current configuration:
-b		0		0
-d		10		10
-describe	0		0
-e		2147483647	2147483647
-f				goforward.mfc
-header		0		0
-i		13		13

INFO: main_cepview.c(152): Displaying 10 out of 13 columns per frame
INFO: main_cepview.c(153): Total 264 frames

 26.778  -9.018  -4.308   2.861   2.228  -1.276  -4.449   0.619  10.228   5.591 
 26.250  -8.467  -4.236  -5.483   3.638   7.682   0.225   0.725  -0.704  -5.131 
 26.233  -9.644  -3.705 -12.095   0.784  -7.368   5.375   1.682  -6.990   0.190 
 27.002  -6.852  -2.884  -6.710  -3.930  -4.984  -1.931  -0.153  -1.353   1.334 
 26.276  -9.429  -3.457  -0.386  -5.470  -5.091  -7.974 -12.054 -10.212  -1.914 
 23.995 -10.228  -9.694 -10.605  -6.520  -3.021   5.137   3.212  -0.980  -8.479 
 24.809  -8.962  -8.389  -8.554  -8.594  -3.912   3.560   6.332   2.514  -4.706 
 24.199  -7.221  -1.295  -7.918  -6.166  -3.673  -0.319   2.275 -14.336 -12.722 
 24.399 -11.508  -6.442 -10.584  -2.175  11.163  13.581   4.309   3.131 -11.000 

For IO efficiency we store only static features and dynamic features are computed on the fly. The computation of dynamic features is configured with the -feat option. For example -feat 1s_c_d_dd means to read the vector and compute deltas and delta-deltas and combine them with 1-stream feature vector. There are different types like s2_4x which means to compute deltas, delta-deltas, delta-deltas of the second order and combine them in a special 4-stream feature vector. If you need a specific feature arrangement you can implement your own feature type in sphinxbase. If you want to use features as is use 1s_c feature type which means to read the vector unmodified.

The file has the values in binary format and each value is stored as a float i.e. 4 bytes. The first 4 bytes in the file specify the header which is nothing but the total number of values stored. For example, if we have N number of frames, and let’s assume each frame is represented as a M (usually 13) dimensional vector. So, the header which is basically the total number of distinct values in feature matrix is N*M. Note that it is stored as an int32. The feature vectors will be stored according to the column number or frame number. So, 1st frame (M values in total) will be stored first, followed by second and so on. The dimension is not stored in a file but assumed. So if dimension mismatches bad things could happen.

So the layout looks like

header (int32 length)
features of the frame 1 (13 floats or 13 * 4 bytes)
features of the frame 2 (13 floats or 13 * 4 bytes)
features of the frame ... (13 floats or 13 * 4 bytes)
features of the frame N (13 floats or 13 * 4 bytes)

If you need to configure the vector length in trainer you can use -veclen option which works with almost all binaries. It’s also possible to configure this globally for the training database in sphinx_train.cfg file.

If you want to implement your own feature type you need to write a tool to dump features in the format above. You can easily do that given you know basics of the programming. For example you can use a Python script or Matlab/Octave.

For example, here is how one can write mfc file from Python:

    def writeheader(featsize):,0)
        fh.write(pack("=i", featsize))

    def writevec(vec):
        fh.write(pack("=" + str(13) + "f", *vec))

    def writeall(arr):
	writeheader(len(arr) * 13)
        for row in arr:

or in Matlab

	fid = fopen(filename, 'wb');
	fwrite(fid, featsize, 'int32');
	count = fwrite(fid, featarray(:), 'float32');