Executive Summary: Training is fast, easy and automated, but the accuracy is not good. You should not use CMU Sphinx for large-vocabulary continuous speech recognition.
The simplest way to train a CMU Sphinx model is using a single machine with multiple CPUs. It may not be as cost-effective as a cluster, but is quite a bit simpler, as all of the cloud HPC cluster solutions seem to unnecessarily difficult to set up and incredibly badly documented. This is a real shame, and once I figure out how to use one of them, I’ll write a document which explains how to actually make it work.
To get access to a machine, a good option is Microsoft Azure, though there are many others. The free credits you get on signing up are more than sufficient to train a few models, but after that it can start to get expensive quickly. I have tried to optimize this process so that “resources” (virtual machines, disks) can be used only as long as they are needed.
First you will need to install software and (possibly) download the data. This is going to take a while no matter what, and doesn’t need multiple CPUs, so when you initially create your VM, you can use a very small one.
The Azure portal is slow and unwieldy, and the cloud shell isn’t much better, so it’s worth setting up the Azure CLI locally - then log in with:
az login
We will put everything in a “resource group” so that we can track costs and usage.
az group create --name librispeech-100 --location canadacentral
Now create the VM (assuming here you already have an SSH public key
that you will use to log in - otherwise omit the --ssh-key-values
az vm create --resource-group librispeech-100 --name compute \
--image UbuntuLTS --size Standard_B1ls \
--ssh-key-values ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
This will print a blob of JSON with the information for the new VM.
The publicIpAddress
key is the one you want, and now you can log
into the newly created server with it using ssh
. One way to
automate this (surely there are many) is:
ipaddr=$(az vm list-ip-addresses -g librispeech-100 -n compute \
--query [0].virtualMachine.network.publicIpAddresses[0].ipAddress \
| tr -d '"')
ssh $ipaddr
Run the usual OS updates:
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
And install Docker, which we’ll need later:
sudo apt install docker.io
sudo adduser $USER docker
We will set up a virtual disk to hold the data. While it’s possible to put it in a storage account, this is unsuitable for storing large numbers of small files and just generally annoying to set up. Azure has cheap disks which don’t cost more than network storage and are still way faster, so we’ll use one of those. Log out of the VM, create the disk, and attach it (75GB is enough for the full 960 hours of LibriSpeech audio, you could make it smaller if you want):
az disk create --resource-group librispeech-100 --name librispeech \
--size-gb 75 --sku Standard_LRS
az vm disk attach --resource-group librispeech-100 \
--vm-name compute --name librispeech
The Standard_LRS
option is very important here, as the default disk
type is extremely expensive. Now log back in, partition, attach, and
mount it. The disk should be available as /dev/sdc
, but this isn’t
guaranteed, so run lsblk
to find it:
$ lsblk
sdc 8:16 0 75G 0 disk
You can now use parted
to create a partition:
sudo parted /dev/sdc
mklabel gpt
mkpart primary ext4 0% 100%
And mkfs.ext4
to format it:
$ sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdc1
mke2fs 1.44.1 (24-Mar-2018)
Discarding device blocks: done
Creating filesystem with 19660288 4k blocks and 4915200 inodes
Filesystem UUID: e8acc3b5-eec7-441e-96e8-50fa200471bb
The Filesystem UUID
(which will not match the one above) is
important, as it allows you to make the disk persistent. Add a line
to /etc/fstab
using the UUID
that was printed when you formatted
the partition:
UUID=e8acc3b5-eec7-441e-96e8-50fa200471bb # CHANGE THIS!!!
echo "UUID=$UUID /data/librispeech auto defaults,nofail 0 2" \
| sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
And, finally, mount it and give access to the normal user:
sudo mkdir -p /data/librispeech
sudo mount /data/librispeech
sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) /data/librispeech
I promise you, all that was still way easier than using a storage account.
Now download and unpack the data directly to the data disk:
cd /data/librispeech
curl -L https://www.openslr.org/resources/12/train-clean-100.tar.gz \
| tar zxvf -
curl -L https://www.openslr.org/resources/12/dev-clean.tar.gz \
| tar zxvf -
Make a scratch directory (we are going to save it and restore it when we restart the VM later):
sudo mkdir /mnt/work
sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) /mnt/work
Now set up the training directory and get a few extra files:
mkdir librispeech
cd librispeech
docker run -v $PWD:/st dhdaines/sphinxtrain -t librispeech setup
ln -s /data/librispeech/LibriSpeech wav
cd etc
wget https://www.openslr.org/resources/11/3-gram.pruned.1e-7.arpa.gz
wget https://www.openslr.org/resources/11/librispeech-lexicon.txt
Edit a few things in sphinx_train.cfg
. It is not recommended to
train PTM models for this amount of data, as the training is quite
slow, probably unnecessarily so.
$CFG_HMM_TYPE = '.cont.';
$CFG_NPART = 16;
$CFG_G2P_MODEL= 'yes';
$DEC_CFG_LANGUAGEMODEL = "$CFG_BASE_DIR/etc/3-gram.pruned.1e-7.arpa.gz";
You will need the scripts from templates/librispeech
in SphinxTrain,
which unfortunately don’t get copied automatically… Check out the
SphinxTrain source and copy them from there or simply download them
Create the transcripts and OOV list:
python3 make_librispeech_transcripts.py \
-l etc/librispeech-lexicon.txt --100 wav
Create dictionaries:
python3 make_librispeech_dict.py etc/librispeech-lexicon.txt
Now we will save this setup to the system disk because we will resize the VM in order to run compute on more CPUs:
cd /mnt
tar zcf ~/work.tar.gz work
Finally pull the Docker image we’ll use for training:
docker pull dhdaines/sphinxtrain
We can now run training! Let’s resize the VM to 16 CPUs (you can use
more if you want, but remember to set $CFG_NPART
to at least the
number of CPUs - also, certain stages of training won’t use them all):
az vm resize --resource-group librispeech-100 --name compute \
--size Standard_F16s_v2
Log into the updated VM (it will have a different IP address) and remake the scratch directory:
ipaddr=$(az vm list-ip-addresses -g librispeech-100 -n compute \
--query [0].virtualMachine.network.publicIpAddresses[0].ipAddress \
| tr -d '"')
ssh $ipaddr
cd /mnt
sudo tar xf ~/work.tar.gz
Now run training. Note that in addition to the scratch directory, we also need to “mount” the data directory inside the Docker image so it can be seen:
docker run -v $PWD:/st -v /data/librispeech/LibriSpeech:/st/wav \
dhdaines/sphinxtrain run
This should take about 5 hours including decoding (actually the training only takes an hour and a half…) You should obtain a word error rate of approximately 18.5%, which, it should be said, is pretty terrible. For comparison, a Kaldi baseline with this training set and language model gives 11.69%, the best Kaldi system with this language model (but trained on the full 960 hours of LibriSpeech) gets 5.99%, and using a huge neural network acoustic model and an even huger 4-gram language model, Kaldi can go as low as 4.07% at the moment.
Of course, wav2vec2000, DeepSpeech42, HAL9000 and company are somewhere under 2%.
What’s missing from CMU Sphinx? Well, it should be noted that what we’ve done here is the degree zero of automatic speech recognition, using strictly 20th-century technology. Kaldi is more parameter efficient, as it allows a different number of Gaussians for each phone, and its baseline model already includes speaker-adaptive training and feature-space speaker adaptation, which make a big difference. The Kaldi decoder is also faster and more accurate and supports rescoring with larger and more accurate language models (4-gram, 5-gram, RNN, etc).
On the other hand, SphinxTrain is easier to use than the Kaldi training scripts ;-)
You should, therefore, probably not use CMU Sphinx.
You will probably want to use the acoustic models (in
) for something. You may
also wish to rerun the training with different parameters. The most
obvious solution, provided you have a couple gigabytes to spare (for
librispeech-100 you need about 3G) and a sufficiently fast connction,
is to copy it to your personal machine if you have one:
ipaddr=$(az vm list-ip-addresses -g librispeech-100 -n compute \
--query [0].virtualMachine.network.publicIpAddresses[0].ipAddress \
| tr -d '"')
rsync -av --exclude=__pycache__ --exclude='*.html' \
--exclude=bwaccumdir --exclude=qmanager --exclude=logdir \
$ipaddr:/mnt/work/librispeech .
Another option is to create a file share and mount it:
az storage share-rm create --resource-group librispeech-100 \
--storage-account $STORAGE_ACCT --name librispeech --quota 1024
sudo mkdir -p /data/store
sudo mount -t cifs //$STORAGE_ACCT.file.core.windows.net/librispeech /data/store \
-o uid=$(id -u),gid=$(id -g),credentials=/etc/smbcredentials/$STORAGE_ACCT.cred,serverino,nosharesock,actimeo=30
You could also use an Azure Storage blob with azcopy, or other things like that. Now copy your training directory and models to a tar file (no need to compress it):
tar --exclude=bwaccumdir --exclude=logdir --exclude=qmanager \
--exclude='*.html' -cf /data/store/librispeech-100-train.tar \
-C /mnt/work librispeech
Notice that it is considerably smaller than the original dataset.
Now you must either deallocate the VM or convert it back to a cheap one to avoid paying for unused time:
az vm deallocate --resource-group librispeech-100 --name compute
# or
az vm resize --resource-group librispeech-100 \
--name compute --size Standard_B1ls
Note that in either case your scratch directory will be erased. Note also that you will continue to pay a small amount of money for the data disk you created (as well as the storage account, if you have one). You can make a free snapshot of the data disk which will allow you to deallocate it and stop paying for it. I don’t know how to do that, though…
Thank you to all of the contributors who have keept CMUSphinx alive over the last decade, in particular to Nickolay Shmyrev and the whole team at Alpha Cephei. As you may have noticed, active development has mostly ceased over the last few years, and the technological foundation of CMUSphinx has become quite antiquated.
For state-of-the-art speech recognition the Alpha Cephei team is now working exclusively on Vosk, and there are a number of other open source options, notably Coqui, wav2vec, Julius, TensorFlowASR, DeepSpeech and of course Kaldi.
Nonetheless, there are still many people using CMUSphinx and PocketSphinx in particular, so there is some value in maintaining (if not actually developing) it. Its users frequently encounter difficulties due to the build system, which could be corrected by modernizing the codebase slightly. Due to the eternal "pre-alpha" status of the system, there are also many problems of portability and stability that should be adressed.
For this reason, we are preparing a true release of PocketSphinx, with a focus on a modern build system with no external dependencies, and a stable, documented, and easy to use API in C and Python. In addition, SphinxTrain will either continue to be maintained or will simply be integrated into PocketSphinx.
Finally, SourceForge is no longer a viable option for hosting. From now on, the GitHub Project is the official home of CMUSphinx, and we will soon migrate all the other downloads (models, etc) and close the SourceForge site.
Dear users, you've might been asking yourself why there were not so many updates on CMUSphinx recently. Time goes really fast and many things change in ASR. Deep learning, huge NLP models like BERT, Tacotron and Wavenet/Waveglow/WaveRNN, Pytorch vs Tensorflow, huge datsets, chatbots and so on and so forth. Many new toolkits appear and some disappear - Eesen, Espresso, Kaldi, Wav2letter, NeMo. The whole area is thriving.
CMUSphinx team has been actively participating in all those activities, creating new models, applications, helping newcomers and showing the best way to implement speech recognition system. We are here to suggest you the easiest way to start such an exciting world of speech recognition. Lately we implemented a Kaldi on Android, providing much better accuracy for large vocabulary decoding, which was hard to imagine before.
If you are interested in learning more, check Alpha Cephei website, our Github and join us on Telegram and Reddit.
Stay tuned!
Hi everyone! My name’s Sahith Dambekodi and I’m a second year undergrad student at BITS Pilani K.K. Birla Goa Campus. I’m pursuing a major in Electrical and Electronics engineering. This is my blog for Google Summer of Code 2017!