GSOC 2017 accepted projects announced

The list of accepted projects for Google Summer of Code 2017 has been announced today. Please check

There are two major parts, one is pronunciation evaluation, we have several sub-projects about it, another part is about deep neural networks in pocketsphinx. Hopefully, the accuracy of our decoders will improve significantly. An interesting project is dedicated to more tight ROS integration, hopefully using speech recognition in robots will be way easier soon.

Congratulations to accepted students! Great summer ahead, lots of fun it seems.

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Pocketsphinx as standalone app on Android wearables

With the launch of Android Wear's new version 2.0 now it is possible to run standalone apps on wearables - indepentent of a phone.

CMUSphinx at GSOC 2017

After several years break we are pleased to announce that CMUSphinx project is accepted to Google Summer Of Code 2017 program. That will enable us to help several students to start their way in speech recognition, open source development and in CMUSphinx. We are really excited about that. See the organization page for details.

This year will be more focused on pronunciation evaluation, two major pronunciation tasks will be our preference. If you are interested to participate as a student, an application period will open soon but it’s better to start preparation of your application right now. Feel free to contact us for any questions, but do your own googling before asking very simple things! For more details see:

If you would like to be a mentor please sign in into gsoc web application and add your ideas to the ideas list:

We invite you to participate!